Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Job for 2014

I have been sticking here for almost  3 years now and I couldn't figure out  if I am happy or not with it. I wish to let go but can I?

Am I at fault to built this bonding until that I do not know how to stop?

Saw somebody writes in their blog about how unhappy they are in the work environment, co-workers and stuff like that.

And they managed to maintain at least 15 years and above just to pay for their living expenses.

And one of them ever said, if you think that there is a need of changes, voice it out clearly. It is not wrong to say it. You are just afraid of the impact it might bring once you pop out the question.

So, be wise. Its a new year. I came back to the office and there is many things waiting for me to follow-up. This is not a job that I think I want to spend my 10 years with but if I were to be the only supporter of my family, I still have to do it.

I cannot deny this fact.

One more thing that I scared of is (one of my bff ever mentioned this) I am scared of losing all of my belonging. I am scared of being hopeless. I am scared of being the one that I don't want to be. I am trying my best to keep it all for myself. But who knew He might want to take it away from me someday. I am scared I might forgotten about Him. That is my biggest fear.

What am I raving about? I m clueless too. :)

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