Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rendang Ayam (Homemade Rendang Gravy)

1 kg ayam (bersihkan)
2 sudu besar kerisik
1 helai daun kunyit (dihiris halus)
1 keping asam keping
1/2 kotak santan kotak (size kecil)
garam dan gula secukup rasa

bahan kisar hingga halus:
1 inci halia
2 biji bawang besar
2 batang serai
2 inci kunyit hidup
3 biji buah keras
4 inci lengkuas
10 biji cili api
sedikit air

panaskan kuali. masukkan bahan kisar dan ayam dan kacau sebati.
bila air ayam dah agak kering, masukkan kerisik, asam keping dan santan.
tambah air mengikut kesukaan. masak sampai naik minyak ataupun sehingga agak kering.
perasakan dengan gula dan garam secukup rasa. bila semua bahan dah sebati, masukkan daun kunyit dan kacan sehingga sebati.

sekarang, ianya siap untuk dihidangkan.

*sekarang tak perlu nak beli paste bagai. buat sendiri kan lagi senang. instant paste tu belum tentu baik untuk kesihatan.


Frozen Cheese Cake with Salted Cheese Cracker (Melted Yumminess)

The ingredients:
Dutch Lady Low Fat Milk
1 small can of Evaporated Milk
1 small box of Nestle Creamer
1 box of Salted Cheese Cracker
250gm of Philadephia cheese

1) Mix the Philadephia cheese with creamer and mix well. Add in the evaporated milk and mix well.
2) Dip the cracker into the low fat milk.
3) Arrange the cracker in the flat bowl and pour in the cheese batter.
4) Cover the batter with the cracker and repeat the same process until finish.

Now, its done. You may now enjoy this yummy cake.

Ayam Masak Merah

1kg ayam (bersihkan dan goreng sehingga setengah masak)
1 biji bawang besar (dimayang bulat)
4 biji cili api (untuk hiasan)
1 batang kulit kayu manis
2 biji buah pelaga
4 biji bunga cengkih
1 kuntum bunga lawang
1 batang serai (dititik)
2 sudu besar sos cili
1 sudu besar sos tomato
1 keping asam keping
1 biji tomato (dibelah empat)
1 mangkuk air
garam dan gula secukup rasa
minyak untuk menumis (boleh gunakan minyak goreng ayam)

bahan untuk dikisar halus:
1 biji bawang besar
1 biji bawang putih
2 batang serai
1 inci halia
1 inci kunyit hidup
1 inci lengkuas
20 biji cili kering (direbus)
sedikit air

cara membuat:
Panaskan minyak dan masukkan bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, kulit kayu manis dan buah pelaga. Masak sehingga naik bau. Selepas itu, angkat kesemua bahan ini supaya rasa tidak terlalu kuat. Kemudian masukkan bahan kisar dan 1 mangkuk air. Masakkan sampai naik minyak dan agak kering serta cili telah betul-betul masak.

Bila bahan kisar dh masak, masukkan gula, garam, sos cili, sos tomato, asam keping dan juga serai yang dititik. Kacau sehingga rata dan sesuaikan rasanya.

Bila semua dah rasa ok dan secukup rasa, masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng tadi, cili api, bawang mayang dan tomato. Kacau sehingga rata dan biarkan sekejap. Bila semua bahan sudah sebati, tutup api dan ianya sudah siap untuk dihidangkan.

Resipi Sambal Hijau

Its been a while since my last post (cliche) but its okay. I dun mind that. Below are my recipe for Sambal Hijau (Green Chili Paste)

2 biji cili hijau
1 biji cili merah
2 biji bawang besar
3 ulas bawang putih
1 sudu kecil udang kering
1 batang serai
1 genggam cili api

Mula-mula masukkan bawang besar, bawang putih, udang kering dan serai. Kisar sampai halus. Kemudian masukkan cili hijau, cili merah dan cili api dan sedikit air dalam kisaran pertama tadi, kisar kasar jak.

Lepas tu, goreng. Senang jak nak buat ni. Orang malas jak yang tak dapat buat ni. Huhu

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Job for 2014

I have been sticking here for almost  3 years now and I couldn't figure out  if I am happy or not with it. I wish to let go but can I?

Am I at fault to built this bonding until that I do not know how to stop?

Saw somebody writes in their blog about how unhappy they are in the work environment, co-workers and stuff like that.

And they managed to maintain at least 15 years and above just to pay for their living expenses.

And one of them ever said, if you think that there is a need of changes, voice it out clearly. It is not wrong to say it. You are just afraid of the impact it might bring once you pop out the question.

So, be wise. Its a new year. I came back to the office and there is many things waiting for me to follow-up. This is not a job that I think I want to spend my 10 years with but if I were to be the only supporter of my family, I still have to do it.

I cannot deny this fact.

One more thing that I scared of is (one of my bff ever mentioned this) I am scared of losing all of my belonging. I am scared of being hopeless. I am scared of being the one that I don't want to be. I am trying my best to keep it all for myself. But who knew He might want to take it away from me someday. I am scared I might forgotten about Him. That is my biggest fear.

What am I raving about? I m clueless too. :)

Pretty Thoughts

I saw this in my heart. My heart is darken by the international issue.

Until that I forget to maintain my own self. Why is this happening?

Sometimes, we let go something pretty for something prettier. But don't you think that it will gets ugly too in the end?

Pretty New Year Resolution (2014)

Its been a while since my last note. I don't know where to begin but I have to start it anyway anyhow.

For many people, new year might bring all the beautiful things in your life. For some, there is so much to learn, prepare, repair, fix, done and so forth. Where should I begin?

Sometimes, I thought I envy others. How I wish I were her. How I wish he was mine. How I wish I was to chose this before. But in the end, I mean in this new year I learn that I don't envy you. I don't envy of what you have. I don't envy your big house.

What makes me envy you is because you hand an apple to that beggars. How I wish I could do that too.

I envy you when you said that you need to be home to take care of your sick mother. I envy you when you said that you need to spend some time with your little one.

I envy you when you said that you need to attend a mass. I envy you when you said you need to collect some payment of large amount. I envy how you had worked so hard for the payment.

I envy you when you said that you would repay my fuel for sending you home. I envy you when you said you would buy me lunch though you do not have enough for yourself.

I envy your thoughts. I envy your imagination of marriage that it might broke one day where I always believe that yourself is the key to the unbroken relationship.

I envy you for having a thorough understanding on certain things and you do not fight over it. I envy you for being so good and kind to your kids without the needs of spanking them over.

I envy those people who sell the vegetable at the market and there is only RM1 extra to add to the costing. I envy your time and guidance to others. I envy you so much that I can't explain.

This is just a beginning. I don't wish for it to go on wild without a single pretty painting.

May everyone be safe always this year. May those in sickness have a speed recovery. May those in sadness bury their pain in time. May those have the tears of joy will always be the same.

May me do not stop envy others' thought and kind habit. May me keep on learning to be a better person from day to day.