Wednesday, July 17, 2013

In the Memory of a Loving Friend

Couldn't believe the news that I receive from my friend. He announced that one of our friend has been called to be with God on Saturday morning, 08:00am on 13.07.2013. He will be missed as he is the most funny and awesome guy that we all ever known and without him, the world would be a different place to live in.

Knowing that he is died at the age of 28, I always thought that God maybe wanna take my life too. It just a matter of time. A friend of mine said that he had a brain cancer. He never really disclose his problem to any of his friend. Not many had known that he sell nasik lemak for extra money before.

I remember my first day in college. He is among the first guy that introduced himself to me. He is also among 1 of my first friend and group mate in college. His dead really bring me to the thought that anytime, anyhow God may take your life.

That is why I urge myself to live my life to the fullest. We won't know when He will take us, all we need is just to be prepared.

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