Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ayam Pansoh: its YUMMY!

Happens to eat ayam pansoh before? It is a traditional way of cooking the chicken. Instead of boiling it in our normal kitchen ware, we use the bamboo stick and put it on fire and this is where we get the ayam pansoh from.

"Tiga alek2 uman ini.." 

Below are the recipes. 

You will need:
a)1 Bamboo Stick
b) I  Whole Chicken (prefferably old chicken or ayam kampung)
c) A pinch of rock salt
d) 5 Stick of Lemon grass
e) 1 inch long Ginger

Add on rice liquor / wine (up to your liking)

Put all the ingredients and the cut chicken into the bamboo shoot. Light up the fire and put the bamboo stick aside the fire. Cover the bamboo stick with banana leaf to ensure that the chicken and all the ingredients mixed well together. 

Wait about half an hour (and to ensure that you flip the bamboo stick to all the sides) at evey 10 minutes to ensure that the chicken is well-cooked. 

When you notice that water is dripping from the bamboo shoot mouth, you may now ready a plate and is now officially can be eaten. 


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