Thursday, July 4, 2013

Iban Wedding

Iban tribe is the majority that stayed in Sarawak from many year ago. They are the one who namely found Sarawak and live peacefully here with many other minority groups. They are not only being known for being the biggest tribe in the state, but also known for the infamous "Bunga Terung" tattoo. Most of them are Christians while some are converted into other religion. As they are so much different from other races in Malaysia, so do their wedding day would not be the same like others. As you can see in the photo above, they are sitting in a so-called "pelamin" or namely a dais in front of the family members for the blessing. The thing that they are sitting on is called "gong" as a symbol of prosperity that they are holding when they join as a husband and wife. 

You may also notice that their traditional costume is so much different than other races in the world. You may refer to this photo for the full description of the lady costume. 

The wedding ceremony is definitely the biggest day for both partners and families. The groom’s family will throw a feast and the bridegroom’s family will help with the preparations. A wedding representative will be appointed to invite guests; this representative will take strands of rope with knot that are used to show the days left before the day of the wedding ceremony. If the rope has 7 knots, the marriage will be held within 7 days. The knots will then be opened every day.
As for house decoration, the groom will go to the bride’s house by a boat decorated with “Pua Kumbu”, which is an Iban traditional multicoloured woven material. Otherwise, he will walk on the road and “Gongs” will be hit along the way. Once he has arrived to the bride’s front door, cannon will be released and the couple will be taken to the river to have a bath together before wearing their traditional outfit. When the couple arrive to the longhouse, a pig will be slaughtered as a sign of honour and this is when you get to hear the sound of guns. Before entering the house, the head of groom will take the couple on a tour from the head of stairs until the end of the house. This is when the feast kicks in. Guests will be offered with wine and “Tuak”. Pork usually served in an Iban wedding. Otherwise, meats like beef, chicken and lamb will be served.
The wedding ceremony is also the time for both families to discuss about the future of the marriage, such as the fine and other matters related to the marriage.

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