Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Most Prettiest Among Them All

I notice this long time ago. And I even try a few just to have more whiter skin, slim body shape to name a few.

There is a lot of beauty product available in the market nowadays. You just name it, what you need and browse through the google and you will surely fall in love with one of it. But beware of this beauty product. Not all are made from a good ingredient and the creator might have add in some ingredients to make it last longer, more acid to whiten your skin and many unexpected ingredients has been put in with the mission to impress the target audience without notifying us about the side affects.

Try to be true to yourself. Be grateful of what you are made of, don't try to alter it. Do you know that the birds didn't ever bother on what colour their feather might be, the flower did not even bother what their colour is, so why should we bother on our skin colour? Take note that we live in this world for a temporally state only. Don't force yourself to be somebody you are not.

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