Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cooking = a must thing to do as a wife?

Well, everyone does cooking.. No matter how good you are, it is not a problem at all. As long as you know that certain time is your time to cook for the family.

Some people thought that eating outside is easier. But a man wants the wife to cook for him. That will make him love to come back home after a very busy day at his office. No matter how lousy your cooking might be, as long as it is done by you, your husband will surely love it. He will eat his meal until he is full enough to say, babe, I m done. And he would request for a cup of milo or tea before going to bed.

It is just a matter of responsibility. Do it right and he will surely be next to you till death do you two apart.

I notice there is many people throwing their love away. This could be one of the problem. You don't play your role as a partner. In Jesus book, it says that we shouldn't put any grudge towards anything that your partner did to you. You should pray that his heart will belong to Jesus and he will doing the right thing sooner or later. Its the chances that Jesus gave to everyone us that we live today in this world.

Some people thought that grand wedding is the best of them all. No, it is not the stop centre of the relationship. It is the new beginning of life where the two person must learn to know and love each other better. Accept each other weakness, the ugly part and the rest of the family members. Marrying one person means that you are marrying the big family of him/her. Accompany her during her hard time, happy time and even labor time.

There is a lot of things to be achieve in life. Make yourselves valuable. Gain more knowledge and take each day as a remembrance to Jesus.

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